My name is Beth (Bee)! My favorite color is yellow, I am kind of obsessed with taking photos of flowers, gardening is one of my favorite things (even though it was my least favorite thing growing up), and my niece calls me Bee. My husband, Mitchell, and I have two sweet fur-babies.
Originally, I am an artist. I have always loved to draw and paint. Photography became an interest in 2012 and it has been quite the experience! Photography has taken me beautiful places and introduced me to beautiful, amazing people.
Food has ALWAYS been an interest! Since the day my little sister showed me how to make toast, I was hooked on learning bake and cook. Yes, I said toast. Let's move past that! I have come a long way since that day, but it has a will just be a hobby for me. I love trying out local restaurants and new and interesting foods. I am that person that brings their DSLR in a restaurant to take photos of my food - don't judge!
I have been thinking about doing a blog for a while. Every blog help site out there says to "pick a specific topic and you will get a lot of followers", but that's just not why I am doing this. This is for me. Just for fun. If people follow me, cool. If they don't, well I have a great place to keep all of my records and thoughts.
Thank you for checking out my blog! I hope you enjoyed it and that we can connect soon! Cheers and God Bless!​